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Naša veterinárna klinika vznikla v roku 2019 s cieľom poskytovať komplexné služby zákazníkom predajní Super zoo.  


V moderných priestoroch nákupného centra Avion Shopping Park ponúka služby špičkových veterinárnych lekárov a moderné vybavenie.


Sme zameraní na dobré cicavce, psíky, mačičky a exoty. U nás nájdete ľudský a individuálny prístup k pacientom a ich majiteľom.


Greetings from Dr. Vet


MVDr. Simona Kubičková

odborný garant Super zoo veterina

Venuje sa výžive psov a mačiek, endokrinológii, manažmentu veterinárnej praxe. Študovala na Veterinárnej a Farmaceutickej Univerzite v Brne. Okrem veterinárnej medicíny sa venovala akademickej a výskumnej činnosti. Jej postgraduálnu prácu prezentovala v roku 2016 na prestížnej konferencii ACVIM v Denveri, 6 rokov pôsobila v petfood biznise na rôznych manažérskych pozíciách. Pracovala a žila v Austrálii, Rakúsku, Nemecku, Francúzsku, kratšiu dobu žila vo Veľkej Británii a Portugalsku.  


MVDr. Mária Petríková

interná medicína malých zvierat a cicavcov, urológia, dermatológia

Mária graduated from the Veterinary University in Brno in 2014, after graduating she completed a month-long internship at the Planet Pethood Plus veterinary clinic in Denver.

She took part in a two-week charity sterilization program for dogs and cats. Upon her return, she worked at the Planet Veterinary Clinic, until her maternity leave, and since our reopening, she has been part of the Dr.Vet team. Mária regularly participates in veterinary seminars, webinars and workshops, specializing in internal medicine and laboratory diagnostics.


MVDr. Mária Petríková

Internal medicine and laboratory diagnostics

Mária graduated from the Veterinary University in Brno in 2014, after graduating she completed a month-long internship at the Planet Pethood Plus veterinary clinic in Denver.

She took part in a two-week charity sterilization program for dogs and cats. Upon her return, she worked at the Planet Veterinary Clinic, until her maternity leave, and since our reopening, she has been part of the Dr.Vet team. Mária regularly participates in veterinary seminars, webinars and workshops, specializing in internal medicine and laboratory diagnostics.


Jozef Nôta

Veterinary assistant

Jozef graduated from Secondary School HSaD Lučenec, in the field of Agribusiness - Cynology in 2019 and from September 2021 he joined our clinic as a veterinary assistant. His job is to help veterinarians in their activities, handle your phone calls, he is in charge of ordering medicines, feeds and much more. Jozef is mainly interested in breeding, ethology and dog shows.


Jozef Nôta

Veterinary assistant

Jozef graduated from Secondary School HSaD Lučenec, in the field of Agribusiness - Cynology in 2019 and from September 2021 he joined our clinic as a veterinary assistant. His job is to help veterinarians in their activities, handle your phone calls, he is in charge of ordering medicines, feeds and much more. Jozef is mainly interested in breeding, ethology and dog shows.

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